Meet the practitioners of Bay Bloor Wellness

Jody Hurlbut, Dr. of Chiropractic

Dr.Hurlbut has been practicing chiropractic since 1987. Originally raised and schooled in the Toronto area, Jody then attended The University Of Guelph, where he studied Human Kinetics. After receiving a Bachelor Degree, he went on to the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic, graduating as a doctor Of Chiropractic in 1987. At the time Jody was licensed to practice in Ontario and California. He decided to come back to “The best places (Canada/Toronto) on Earth” and establish a practice in the Bloor-Yorkville area.

Dr. Hurlbut has over 20 years experience in treating all the common neuro-musculo-skeletal problems. He also has particular interests in treating sports injuries, as well as, therapeutic nutrition.

Jody is the father of two wonderful people, Saxon and Jade. He is active playing hockey (goalie), baseball, roller blading, cycling and enjoys playing the guitar.

Rosalin Peacock, R.M.T

Rosalin Peacock has been a full time massage therapist for 25 years now. She graduated from Kikkawa College in Toronto in 1988. Over the past several years she has studied a number of different massage techniques and modalities. There are several integrated treatment skills Rosalin incorporates – including deep connective tissue massage or N.I.S.A., Swedish massage, cranial sacral therapy and aromatherapy. These therapies either combined or practiced on their own, help reduce tension in the body, balance the central nervous system, and relieve chronic tension. They increase ease of movement, help treat stress and anxiety, and assist the body’s inherent ability to heal itself and promote optimal health.

Ros has a full time practice in Toronto. She lives with her husband, daughter two dogs and two horses in the Palgrave area. When she is not massaging humans, Ros is working on expanding her equine massage practice, and is currently pursuing her yoga teacher training certificate.

Rosalin has been practising therapeutic massage full time since she graduated from Kikkawa College in 1988. She has been in the Bloor-Yorkville area since this time and has built a solid practice over many years.

There are many treatment modalities Ros has available to her clients providing complementry health options to help alleviate soft tissue discomfort associated with everyday and occupational stresses, muscular over-use and chronic pain syndromes.

Massage therapy can also reduce the development of painful muscular patterning if employed early enough after accidents involving trauma and injury.

Rosalin uses primarily Swedish massage techniques including trigger point therapy, myofascial release, joint mobilisation and lymph drainage. Hot or cold modalities maybe suggested throughout the treatment, for example heat such as a thermophore or far infrared heat for chronic conditions and ice for more recent or acute injuries.

Remedial exercise or stretches may also be recommended at the end of the session.

Here is a list of more specialized modalities that are available.

Aromatherapy: a treatment using a range of pure essential oils of which the order or fragrance plays an important part to therapeutically treat for example stress, anxiety, depression, P.M.S and symptoms related to menopause.

Raindrop Therapy: a technique using a sequence of highly anti-microbial essential oils designed to simultaneously reduce inflammation and kill the viral agents responsible for it. The oils are dispensed like little drops of rain from the height of about 6 inches above the back and massaged along the vertebrae. Raindrop technique originated from research of Dr. Gary Young N.D and Lakota medicine man in the 1970’s.

La Stone Therapy: the use of heated basalt stones in massage therapy to transmit the retained heat into the joints and muscles. When cold is required, chilled marble stones are used. The therapy has particular application for the care of sports injuries but is beneficial for anyone with joint pain and muscle spasticity. A wonderful treatment for stress release and to achieve a deep state of relaxation.

Cranial Sacral Therapy: this specialized treatment approach focuses on the craniosacral system comprised of the brain, spinal cord, meninges, cranial bones and sacrum. This craniosacral system contains fluid that moves with slight but perceptible rhythmic fluctuation. By using gentle pressure tension in the body is reduced and balance is restored to the central nervous system. Roz has been studying through The Upledger Institute over the past several years.

Swedish massage technique: the use of a variety of manipulative techniques designed to re-establish proper fluid dynamics directed at the skin, muscles and fascia. Some of the techniques used within the treatment are trigger point therapy, myofascial release, joint mobilization and lymph drainage. Hot or cold modalities maybe suggested throughout the treatment. Prenatal and pre/post sports event massage also available.

Far Infrared Heat Therapy: With each massage or body work treatment you also have the benefit of the Amethyst Bio Mat™. The Bio Mat is the only mat of its kind to combine Far Infrared, Negative Ions and amethyst therapies.

Far Infrared heat therapy is widely used to treat patients suffering from many forms of arthritis. It has also proven effective in the treatment of sprains, neuralgia, bursitis, muscle spasms, joint stiffness as well as reducing stress and fatigue.